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Acne Free Skin

 Hundreds of medications, treatments, cleansers and cosmetics are available for people with acne, but the most important elements of an acne-fighting program won't cost you a cent.
1. Nourish your skin by eating a healthy and balanced diet.
Most health care specialists agree that a healthy diet will benefit your skin. Cut down on caffeine, sugar and refined carbohydrates, all of which can activate the hormones that tell your sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Add more fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, juices and other healthy treats to your daily diet, and you'll see in improvement in your skin.
2. Drink lots of water to maintain the skin's elasticity.

Plenty of water is essential to the health of your skin. One of the main activities of the body's self-healing system is to filter the blood, a job performed mostly by the kidneys, with help from the skin in the form of perspiration. This self-healing system removes the toxic wastes of metabolizing food and of other harmful substances that get into our bodies one way or another.

This purification system operates efficiently only if the volume of water flowing through it is sufficient to carry away the wastes. 6 to 8 glasses (64 fluid ounces) of water a day is the recommendation. To reach your quota, carry bottled water with you in your car, your purse, your briefcase-wherever you go.

Get the water habit, and your skin will thank you for it.

3. Exercise regularly for good circulation.

Get into a regular routine of exercise. Do it for at least half an hour, five days a week. Exercise improves your blood circulation, helping your body clear toxins from your system, including your skin. Better circulation also increases the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your skin. Exercise also relieves stress, which is a common cause of acne flare-ups. Last but not least, exercise releases endorphins, the "feel good" substance in your brain that puts a smile on your face-the best beauty secret of all.

4. Cleanse your face-then tone, moisturize, and exfoliate.

At night* First remove your makeup with an oil-free makeup remover and a cotton ball. * Then wash your face with lukewarm water and an oil-free, non-comedogenic (doesn't block pores) cleanser. * Pat (don't rub) it dry with a soft towel.* And apply an oil-free moisturizer.

In the morning* Wash your face as directed above, then use an alcohol-free toner. * Next apply moisturizer. * Then apply makeup-all oil-free and non-comedogenic.

Once or twice a week use an exfoliator with alpha hydroxy acid or glycolic acid. This will aid in the shedding of dead skin cells, the "food" for the bacteria that cause pimples.

If you exercise during the day, you'll need to wash your face a third time, immediately afterward.

5. Protect your skin from the sun and harsh weather.

One popular myth about acne is that tanning will clear it. It may seem so at first, but soon you will notice that your tanned skin becomes less pliable, making it less able to shed oil and dead skin cells, which clog your pores. Your acne will become worse, not better.

Always wear sun block with at least an SPF-15 UVA & UVB rating. If you'll be outside in the sun for long, wear a wide-brimmed hat.

6. Get plenty of good-quality rest.

Your immune system requires energy to do its work, including the work of protecting your skin from acne. The deep sleep the brain needs for "recharging" comes several hours into the sleep cycle. That's why a few hours here and there won't do. Most people need at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night. Consider it beauty sleep.

If you make these 6 items part of your daily routine, you'll look better, feel better, and have less need of expensive acne treatments and cosmetics.

Visit Ron's website Latest-Acne-Solutions for the latest research into acne relief.

Copyright 2005 Ron King. This article may be reprinted as long as the resource box is left intact and all links are hyperlinked.


what is exactly stress

This is an article about stress. It's not easy to defind stress. We think we all have experienced stress at some point in our life so the definition for stress should be obvious. Usually we talk about stress when we mean a feeling of mental overload which we have experienced.

It's not easy to defind stress. We think we all have experienced stress at some point in our life so the definition for stress should be obvious. Usually we talk about stress when we mean a feeling of mental overload which we have experienced.

There are many definitions for stress - depending on the field of science of the researchers.
Stress is a feeling which is caused by events or circumstances that makes us feel angry, frustrated, unhappy or excited. Stress is also defined as a feeling or experience where individual's needs, goals and abilities are not in balance and there is a conflict between these elements.

Stress has physical and emotional effects on us. Stress creates positive or negative feelings.
Positive stress can make us action - to thrive to complete a work or a project. Negative stress can make us feel anger, depression and rejection. There feelings can also result in physical health problems such as high blood pressure, insomnia or heart disesase.

Stress can also make changes in our behaviour - usually these changes in our behaviour make us feel even more stressed. For example, we start to consume more alcohol, we increase smoking, we start to leave out hobbies etcBusiness Management Articles, we skip physical work out sessions etc.
Positive stress adds excitement to our life and we all thrive under a certain amount of stress. Insufficient stress can make us feel deperessed and bored while excessive stress can make us feel overwhelmed. We need to find the optimal level of stress which motivates us but does not make us feel overwhelmed.

So how can we tell what is the optimal level of stress which we can take? We are all individual human beings and we all have our unique requirements. So there is no single level of stress which is optimal for all of us. We all tolerate different amounts of stress. Our optimal stress level also changes with our ages.

People can be devided into three different groups according to how they react to stress.
Some people react to stress mentally; they experience for example insomnia and fatigue which are symptoms of stress. Usually the lifestyle for these people weakens but these people can recognize stress and understand the reasons for these mental symptoms.
Some of us react to stress physically - these people experience for example physical pain. It's not easy to recognise the relation between stress and the physical symptoms. Usually the physical symptom is treated by healthcare specialist but the reason for the symptom remains untreated.
Some people don't react to stress in any specific way. Their ability to perform may weaken a little but these people don't experience any physical or mental symptoms of stress.
We all tolerate different amount of stress. It's important we find our individual level of stress which makes us feel motivated - not overwhelmed.


Skin Care tips for the Monsoons

It is really important to take care of your skin especially during monsoons. During monsoon season, your skin tends to feel humid therefore it becomes essential to follow some skin care tips to make your skin lively and fresh. With these tips you will ensure no damage to your skin.

It is again that time of the year when monsoon is approaching. On one side there is a good feeling that the temperature will go down, on the other hand there are fears of how to take care of your skin in humid & wet rainy season. If you are beauty conscious and take a few simple precautions, you can save yourself a lot of trouble over bad skin.

The biggest skin problem during the monsoon is fungal infections. As fungus is born in humid weather, it easily grows and enters the skin throw wet pores. As a result, one develops itchy, circular, reddish, flaking patches on the body, underarms and around the breast in women.

A few ways to avoid fungal infections are:

1)      Once you are seated at your desk, take your shoes and socks off to allow air circulation around your feet. Wear sandals or floaters as far as possible.

2)      Use plenty of dusting talc to prevent accumulation of sweat and moisture in skin folds.

3)      Wash your feet with soap and hot water after wading through stagnant water and then dry them completely.

Dull, oily-looking skin is another common problem during the rainy season. Monsoons also affect oily skin by causing over-hydrating effect over it. Naturally, it too becomes essential to protect the oily skin by applying the right kind of moisturizer on it. You can use a moisturizer for oily skin which contains rose waterFree Web Content, strawberry extract and orange juice. A few tips on how to keep your complexion glowing are:

1. Use a face scrub twice a week to exfoliate.

2. Avoid heavy moisturising creams or oily foundations and cream-based colour makeup. Use a light mousse or a matte compact or simply a few drops of calamine lotion as a makeup base.

3. A face wash containing fruit extracts such as Astaberry Orange Face Wash helps to freshen the skin. Use it daily to keep extra moisture & oil out of the skin.

4. Use a skin brightening toner each time you wash your face to close the pores and restore your skin's pH balance.

Welcome the monsoon with a smile!!!


Omega 3: What are they and why should you care?

Have you heard of omega-3s? Probably. Today you see them everywhere on all kinds of food products advertising ‘rich in omega-3s’. What are omega-3s anyway, and do you really need them? The answer to the second part of that question is, ABOLUTELY. But why do we hear about omega-3s all the time? The answer to that is because most people today don’t get enough. Before I get into why that is, let’s look at what they do.
Omega-3s are one type of polyunsaturated fat that are called ‘essential fatty acids’ that you must get from your diet or supplements because your body can not make them. Another type of essential fats are the omega-6s. What is very important is the ratio that you get between omega-3s and omega-6s. You really need to be eating these in about the same amounts for your body to function optimally.

This is because these two types of fats have opposing functions and compete with each other in many physiological processes. For example omega-6s lead to inflammatory reactions, needed to turn your immune system into high gear when it detects and infection and omega-3s are anti-inflammatory, needed to turn the immune response off when it’s done. So these are kind of like the yin and yang of your physiology and must be kept in balance.

Unfortunately, today’s western diet has about 15 to 30 times more omega-6s in it than omega-3s. This means that inflammatory processes can get out of check and this can aid the development of many different chronic degenerative diseases, like cardiovascular heart disease and some types of cancer. Many studies have also found that a deficiency in omega-3s can contribute to depression.

So why are our diets so out of whack when it comes to the omega-3 to omega-6 balance? It’s really only been over the past 50 years or so that this has become a serious problem. We have simply stopped eating many of the foods that are high in omega-3s, like fatty fish and some nuts and started eating more foods high in omega-6s like corn oil. In fact many of the processed foods that we eat are extremely high in omega-6s and lacking omega-3s.

Many researchers, including me, believe that this is an underlying factor in the increased rates of several chronic degenerative diseases that we see so prevalent today. This is why foods that are high in omega-3s advertise it. The manufacturers know that we are lacking in them and that we need to eat more omega-3 rich foods.

There are really two kinds of omega-3s that are useful to the body. One kind you can get from plants, especially flax seed oil and walnuts, and the other kind you can get from animals, especially fish (mackerel is the highest). You can also get either of these from supplements, usually a fish oil extract capsule.

The one thing that you need to monitor when getting your omega-3s from fish or fish oil capsules is the amount of heavy metal contamination (like mercury) that you are also ingesting. Various studies have shown different safe levels of fish and some types of fish are higher in mercury than others. There are many good articles out there that you can read on this subject. When it comes to fish oil capsules you need to make sure that the manufacturer uses a purification process that guarantees removal of heavy metals. Don’t just take cheap fish oil capsules without doing some homework on this.

So that’s the bottom line on omega-3s. Yes Find Article, they are extremely important and you should be proactive at trying to get more of them. If you just go with the flow in western society you will likely get way too much of the inflammatory omega-6s and not enough anti-inflammatory omega-3s and that can cause problems if left unchecked for long periods of time.


6 Great Ways to Enjoy Your Low Carb Diet

             If there is one low carb diet complaint that we hear over and over again, it's that a low carb diet is so boring. Sure, they don't always use those words, but that's what they mean when they say "there's not enough variety," or "it gets so monotonous," or "there's nothing to eat." Luckily for you, these carb complainers are wrong. No one ever said that low carb dieting had to be boring. In fact, low carb dieting is not about restriction, but about enjoying really delicious, really diverse foods.There are many ways to begin enjoying your low carb diet today! Here are 6 simple ways you can turn your low carb diet into a high taste adventure!
1.Mix It Up
Start thinking outside the "I can't eat anything" box and start seeing all the things you can eat on a low carb diet. You'd be surprised how many foods open up before your eyes when you stop focusing on what you can't eat and being looking around at what you can.

2.Get Spicy

If you do nothing else to break your low carb blahs than fill your cupboards with assorted spices and seasonings, you'll still be thankful. Dress up your low carb foods with fresh herbs and tangy marinades. Add zip and zest with flavorful dressings and mouth-watering marinades. Jazz up your menu with lip-smacking low carb syrups and spicy sauces. The key is taking the bland and making it bold!

3.Go Meatless

Dump the notion that you have to eat meat every day and try a vegetarian dish a few days a week. Believe it or not, you don't have to be a vegetarian to eat like one. In fact, studies have shown that vegetarians who follow a well-balanced low-carb, low-fat, high-fiber diet often have a lower chance of coronary artery disease, hypertension, and obesity. If that's not enough convincing, try any of the many meat substitutes in your local store. Whether you're looking for fish, chicken, steak, or sausages, you'll find that the meatless version of each often has the same consistency and taste as the original. The beauty of it, of course, is these meat-free dishes are often dramatically lower in fat and calories than the meats they replace. In most cases, the protein count is higher, and the net carbs are very low too!

4.Make It Green and Leafy

Make boring a thing of the past as you fill your repast with green leafy salads topped with all kinds of low carb treats! Turn your side salad into the main dish by adding any of the following in real or veggie versions: chicken, crab meat, shrimp, tuna, or turkey. Color your garden delights with any kind of cheese and top with the perfect crunch of non-starchy vegetables, including alfalfa sprouts, chives, mushrooms, radishes, and snow peas.

5.Have a Snack Attack

When the idea of having a steak for dinner just isn't enough to get you through the afternoon, it's time you had a snack attack. Fill up on low carb snacks to give your tummy something to smile about. For something nutty, try small portions of macadamia nuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, or walnuts. For something cheesy, there's nothing more fun than playing with (and eating) string cheese. Or, for the ultimate treat, make a super smoothie. Make a smoothie by mixing your favorite low carb protein powder in water, or soy milk with your favorite berries and a pinch of Splenda®.

6.Low Carb Doesn't Mean No Carb

When nothing else is helping you get over your low carb blues, remember this: Low carb doesn't mean no carb. Your job is to rid your diet of refined and processed carbohydrates and replace them with the good stuff: whole grains, vegetables, nuts, and fruits high in nutrients and fiber. When you realize that you don't have to go carb-free to let go of the poundsHealth Fitness Articles, you'll stop waiting and begin enjoying all the foods that are available to you on your low carb diet!


Why should you buy cbd oil for medicinal use?

CBD or cannabidiol is a compound found in marijuana that has gathered a lot of interest in recent years, particularly as the case for legalization of marijuana sweeps over the globe
When experts have been arguing over the medical benefits of marijuana for decades, they do so chiefly over two chemical compounds: THC or tetrahydrocannabinol and CBD. While it is THC that is responsible for producing the psychoactive effects that marijuana is known for, CBD does not.

THC has various side effects that hurt its case for use in medicinal applications, but CBD has no such drawbacks. While marijuana used recreationally contain a higher concentration of THC than CBD, sustained interest and research in the field of application of marijuana has led to cannabis cultivators creating, by means of selective breeding, varieties of the plant that have high levels of CBD while practically no presence of THC. This development has lead to new avenues where cannabis can be used medically without interfering with the body;s psychomotor and psychological functions, that is, without “the high”. Also, this does make the strain unsuitable for recreational use.

Buying CBD hemp oil for medicinal purposes is a safe bet. CBD has been clinically proven to reduce nausea and urges to vomit, reduce the possibility of seizures, reduce the risk of neurodegenerative disorders, reduce the risk of cancer, etc. When you buy CBD oil, you are assured that it is a medically proven treatment to various disorders and can actually boost your immune system and keep your health at optimum conditions.

Derived from industrial hemp which only has trace amounts of THC, there is absolutely no risk of getting high when you buy CBD hemp oil. It provides you with only the core benefits of CBD and none of the side effects of THC. Also, since most such hemp is sourced from outside the United States, it is perfectly legal to possess and consume CBD oil and does not require any medical marijuana license.

When you buy CBD oil for consumption, you also get various other nutrients like amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins (like vitamin B1, B2, B6, D and E), omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, trace minerals (like iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, etc.) and various other compounds that the human body requires for healthy functioning, such as carotene, chlorophyll, various flavonoids and ketones, nitrogen based compounds, glycosides, etc..

With proven health benefits and no psychoactive effects, CBD hemp oil is a safe and effective way to improve your immune system and protect your body against a host of degenerative diseases. In addition to this, CBD has also been shown to reduce the damage that consumption of THC might affect, such as memory impairment. CBD effectively counters these effects and increases alertness. While neither CBD or THC are toxic or lethal at high doses and possess no long term health issuesHealth Fitness Articles, CBD is far better suited for universal use as a medical product than THC. You will just need to make sure that you are purchasing it from reliable sources.

What about the Best Foot Cream?

 Sandal/bathing suit season is on its way so it is time to get working on making your skin ready for being seen by the masses. After a long and cold winter, with temperatures that could dry out an Eskimos skin, your skin everywhere on your body is in desperate need of some attention. The area that probably needs the most attention in the realm of dry skin would probably have to be your heals and feet. From the constant movement of life and the shoes we chose to wear, your feet take the brunt of whatever we chose to do, so to show your appreciation for the foundation of your body finding the best foot cream would be a terrific idea.

                When in the market for a foot cream, it may be a bit confusing to know exactly what you are looking for. You know that dry skin and cracked heels are a huge problem, but also pain associated with always being on your feet or smells that should not be there could be the issues along with dry skin. Therefore, the step that you would take on your way to picture perfect feet would be to know exactly the issues you want to fight. From here, you can concentrate on the most important part of finding the best foot cream: the ingredients.

                So what ingredients are available to help with issues going along with our feet? This question cannot be answered with a simple answer due to the vast amount of foot cream ingredients that are available.   Therefore, the best foot cream ingredients will be those that not only help your dry skin but also feed your skin and body the necessary nutrients to keep healthy. Examples of the best foot cream ingredients on the market right comes in a all natural form and have been used for centuries to help with dry skin. These ingredients are named Karanja and Neem oil and their abilities are amazing. Being one of the top sought after organic additives in skin care both have moisturizing qualities that are unrivaled, being able to add the right nutrients and minerals your skin needs. On one hand, Karanja Oil promotes wound healing helping to speed up the process of cell regeneration. Then Neem Oil with anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory qualities comes into to help the best foot cream become a step above the rest. Therefore, if you can find a foot cream that contains both of these ingredients; you have hit the jackpot of specialized ingredients to help with all of the issues involving your feet.

                Although the healing qualities of these two-foot cream ingredients are magnificent and should be included in a foot cream the claims to be the best foot cream around, there is one slight downside. These two foot cream ingredients do contain a certain smell that for some is unpleasant. This is why the people who truly do make the best foot creams in this market will not only include these ingredients but they will also contain things along the line of eucalyptus and peppermint. These ingredients help in covering up the sometimes-unpleasant smells as well as providing helping qualities of their own.

                Summer is on its way so it is time to jump-start your skin care regimen to give you the healthy glow you want to show off. Starting with the driest area on your body, the feet, and working your way up, sandal and shorts season will be more of a pleasure for you. Therefore, to find the best foot cream aroundArticle Search, ingredients are what matters the most and what should make our decisions.

Top Simple Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Do you eyes feel tired and sore by the end of the day? Modern life puts a lot of stress on our bodies and eyes are among the first things to suffer. But it doesn't have to be this way. Learn simple things you can do for your eye health and your eyes will feel and look much better in only a few days.
have your eyes checked every 12 month
Uncorrected vision problems can progress, and wearing corrective contact lenses or glasses that are no longer right for you can cause vision problems and severe headaches.

If your contacts don't feel right in your eyes, it is probably time to visit an eye doctor, even if it hasn't been a year since your last visit.

Go for the best quality contact lenses

Not all contact lenses are equal. Some are safe for you, while others put you at risk of damaging your eyes.

See reviews of quality contact lenses. Knowing what the modern contact lens industry has to offer will help you make an educated choice, not just blindly follow what your doctor says.

In summer, always wear sunglasses

It is proven that UV rays can seriously damage your eyes, but good sunglasses can prevent this damage. When buying sunglasses, make sure that they block at least 98% of UV radiation. Contrary to popular belief, light sunglasses can block UV as well as very dark ones, even though dark glasses usually offer more protection against bright sunlight.

By the way, did you know that you need sunglasses on cloudy days as well? Clouds might provide shade, but they are no barrier for UV light. Clouds are basically water, and water is UV-transparent.

Finally, remember that you would need sunglasses even if your contact lenses offer UV protection. Even a very high quality lens can only protect the area it covers, but the entire surface of your eye needs protection.

Eat what is good for you and your eyes

The good news is that there are no foods that would be harmful for your eyes. Most foods don't affect your eyesight at all, although the right vitamins and minerals are helpful. Recent studies have shown that vitamins of the antioxidant group can prevent, or at least slow down, age-related conditions like macular degeneration and the development of cataracts. So a healthy diet won't restore eyesight that is already lost, but it can definitely slow down the process of the disease, or prevent one from starting.

Vitamins C, A and E, folic acid, selenium and zinc are definitely beneficial for the health of your eyes. The effects of the other vitamins and minerals aren't determined yet, but it seems likely that they affect your eyesight as well. Thousand-page books have been written on the topic of nutrition for eye health but, to summarize, it is known that whatever is good for your body is good for your eyes, too. So put a carrot and a bunch of grapes into your lunch box.

When you read or work on the computer make sure that the light is right

It is a common knowledge that working with poor light can cause eyestrain, but light that is too bright can do as much damage.

Keep your blinds down on sunny days and switch off half of the household lights, if possible. The best lighting for working on the computer is a soft desk light, coming from the side. Also, you can try decreasing the brightness of your monitor. The colors won't be so vivid, but your eyes will feel much better by the end of the day

Give your eyes a health break

The great invention of the 20th century - computers - is not so great from the point of view of health. Almost everybody feels discomfort in their eyes after peering at a computer screen all day long. This is because people blink about 25% less often then usual, while working at the computer, which causes eye dryness.

I won't advise you to blink more often - it is almost impossible to control natural reflexes. One thing you can do, though, is close your eyes and count to 5 before opening them, whenever your computer decides to take its sweet time doing something. Another thing is to look away from the screen and focus on some faraway object, as often as possible. If you train yourself into the habit, your eyes should feel much better at the end of your working day.

If you wear contact lenses, take proper care of them

Contact lenses don't require a lot or fuss, but you can't neglect their cleanliness. Every time you put your lenses in or take them out, rinse them. You should also take care to change the solution, when you are putting your lenses to rest for the night.

Wear your contact lenses to the recommended schedule

Daily disposable lenses should be replaced daily, two weeks replacement lenses should be replaced every two weeks, and so on. Some people try to save money by wearing their lenses for much longer than is intended. This isn't a good idea. Even though the quality of the lens itself might not decline, protein build-up will make your vision less clear. Another thing to consider is that the longer you wear your lenses, the higher is your risk of eye infections.

There are other ways to save on your contacts without risking your eye health. See suggestions on how to get discount contact lenses.

Try not to wear your contact lenses from 6 in the morning until midnight. Most lenses aren't designed to be worn for longer than 12 hours. If this doesn't suit your life style, though, try using extended wear lenses. You can wear Acuvue contacts for a week without removing them, or Focus Night and Day lenses for up to 30 days.

If you want to change the color of your eyes, choose only top quality color contact lenses

Color contact lenses are great fun. If you didn't try them yet, maybe you should. But only high quality color contacts, like Freshlook or Acuvue 2 Colors, are as safe and comfortable as they are beautiful. Many beauty salons, however, sell color contacts lenses of questionable quality, and these can do serious damage to your eyes.

If you follow these simple rules, your eyes should feel much better. They will look better too - you might notice that your eyes shine and their whites are actually whiteArticle Submission, again.

How Does Acne Develop - What Causes Acne?

Acne is a skin disorder. Acne lesions arise through pilosebaceous units, which are made of sebaceous glands and hair follicles in the middle layer of skin called the dermis. Found over most of the body, PSUs consist of a sebaceous gland connected to a canal, called a follicle, that contains a fine hair. The sebaceous glands make an oily substance called sebum that normally empties onto the skin surface through the opening of the follicle, commonly called a pore. Cells called keratinocytes line the follicle. The primary cause of acne is obstruction of pilosebaceous canal, which can take place due to various reasons.

The opening of the blackhead displayed in dark not because of the accumulation of dirt, but due to the accumulation of melanin pigments. Papules are red buttons or injury. Pustules are like papules, but its center is filled with pus. Nodules are deep acne which can take up to 8 weeks to heal. The cysts are not a form of acne, but it is the most serious example of acne, which can reach up to several centimeters in diameter.

The cause of acne is not fully understood. Though poor hygiene, poor diet, and stress can aggravate acne, they clearly do not cause it. Greasy food or poor hygiene, acne is caused by over-production of oil from the sebaceous glands. One important factor is an increase in hormones called androgens (male sex hormones). These increase in both boys and girls during puberty and cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum. Hormonal changes related to pregnancy or starting or stopping birth control pills can also cause acne. Another factor is heredity or genetics. The tendency to develop acne can be inherited from parents.

Certain medications, including lithium and androgens are known to cause acne. Some cosmetics may also provoke spots, especially those that contain oils, fatty acids and waxes. Greasy cosmetics can damage the follicle cells and make them stick together, the production of a plug. Acnes Propionibacteria are many acne on the skin, causing inflammation of the buttons. Bacteria also play a part. During puberty many types of bacteria are normally present on the surface of the skin. When certain bacteria come into contact with excess oil, they enter the ducts of the sebaceous glands where they produce chemicals, which can escape into deeper parts of the skin. In severe acne this can cause big tender spots called nodules.

There can be aggravating factors. Teenage girls often report a flare-up of spots just before menstruation. Stress and certain foods, such as fast food and chocolate, seem to make acne worse. Stress causes your oil glands to overcompensate. The most common things that can aggravate your acne are cleansing your skin too much, squeezing, picking, or popping zits. Excessive cleansing, particularly with the overzealous use of abrasive facial scrubs can irritate your skin Free Web Content, and worsen inflammation. Squeezing and picking acne spots may increase inflammation and can cause further disruption of the acne oil sac.

The Quickest Way To Lose Weight?

Most, if not all of us, are concerned about our weight. Some are thinking about gaining weight while others are worrying about losing weight. But between the two, there are more people thinking about losing than gaining weight. Just look at the number of weight loss products and programs being advertised on home shopping channels and magazines and you’ll know that there is really a big market for it out there.
Obesity is a serious health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Being overweight or obese can lead to many health problems. These include heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, obstructive sleep apnoea and arthritis. It is estimated that 70% of Australian men and 50% of Australian women are overweight or obese and rates continue to climb. Obesity is a long term problem. It is caused by consuming more energy (eating too much food) than is being used through exercise and daily activities. Over a long period of time the excess energy (stored as fat) builds up and begins to cause serious problems.
Weight loss means the reduction of total body mass. It can be through the loss of fluids, fats and lean mass. There are different reasons why people want to lose weight. It could be to become physically fit, to improve health or to look good.

The quickest way to lose weight is through diet and exercise, period. That means taking in fewer calories than you burn. Starving yourself is silly because it sends your body into a low calorie burning mode, and it could cause serious health issues. Patience is a virtue when trying to lose weight, as with many endeavors. In the long run a smart every day diet combined with good exercise is the quickest way to lose weight. And the best part is you won't regain the weight.

Diet means the everyday way you eat, not a short term solution for losing weight. Foods from each food group are part of a healthy, balanced diet. From there adjust down calories at times when some weight loss is needed.

Sounds like a big change, huh? It doesn't have to be. You may already eat most of the foods needed for a well balanced diet, just not in the right portions. Cut down quantities, replace starches with whole grains, and you can still even eat cake while losing weight .

The key to maintaining a healthy diet is planning. When you fail to plan you miss meals, that leads to binge eating. When you fail to plan you often end up at the mercy of a fast food restaurant or a friend whose cooking leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to healthy foods. Plan meals in advance, including for occasions like parties and social gatherings. It only takes a few questions to find out what's being served and plan the days other meals accordingly to not eat too much. Part of the plan is understanding that sometimes the plan will fail. Don't let a failure discourage you. One cheated meal doesn't mean the whole diet, remember it's an every day for the rest of your life diet not just a few days diet, has failed.

As for exercise do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise seven days a week. That's the goal, don't worry if you miss a day here or there. Add extra exercise such as parking further from the store or office for a little walkFeature Articles, or using stairs instead of the elevator.

Simple math means good diet plus exercise equals the quickest way to lose weight.


The best way to Manage Work Stress

The American Institute of Stress acknowledges there is no single definition for stress.  Stress affects almost everyone differently and what stresses one person might not another. One thing experts do agree upon, however, is the fact that stress can have some very serious implications. One of the most common places for people to experience stress is in their daily working lives. When managing work stress and its effects becomes important, learning effective stress management techniques can help.

Techniques to manage work stress can be very important for helping people stay focused and in control on difficult days. While most people would love to say they enjoy their jobs and derive no stress from them whatsoever, this simply is often not the case. When stress builds up in the office, releasing it effectively is not only good for the mind and body, but could preserve or even advance a career.

Some of the best management techniques for work stress in high-pressure situations, or even on days when everything just seems to be going wrong, include:

• Taking a break.  This is one of the best techniques for managing work stress.  If tension is piling up, taking five to regroup is always a good idea. Whether a person just sits at their desk and closes their eyes for a few minutes, visualizes themselves tackling the problems facing them or gets up and walks around, the result can be a calmer feeling and a mind that is more focused on the job at hand.

• Exercise.  Some people find that this is among the best work stress management techniques going.  Walking the stairs during lunch hour or just taking a walk around the building can relieve some of the tension of the day.  Plus, it's good for the body and helps get the blood flowing and the brain working.

• Deep breathing, relaxation techniques. If stressors pile up too high, or a meeting is going out of control, relaxation techniques can help manage work stress and resulting in the desired performance. Taking a deep breath before answering a complaint call, spending two minutes meditating before facing an angry boss or co-worker, or even working muscles to make them relax a bit can also put a person in a better position to release stress and face the day.

Even people who work in the fields they want and truly enjoy their jobs can carry the baggage of work stress. When working some of it off and making sure reactions and behaviors are appropriate, using the techniques listed above in managing work stress can come in handy. Just a few minutes here and there to refocus and recharge can make all the difference in the world.


Say Good Bye To Aging

"Aging, wrinkles I don't care". We many a time hear such words, just ignore them. And after some time it begin to annoy us. Women try hard to reduce these wrinkles and signs of aging. First of all what is these exactly?(aging). These are lines or fold on skin, forehead, face, mainly due to aging,faulty eating habits, poor health etc.
Now one question rises in our mind how to eliminate these lines and folds. Well there are many products available in market to reduce signs of aging but in this article i am going to discuss the homemade remedies.

Here are some homemade solution:-

Drink lot of water: Drink at least 4-5 liters of water a day. Drink water before and after sleep. A jug of water in the morning is best remedy for all health complaints

Food: Intake food rich in antioxidants like blueberries, lemon, green tea etc. Stop junk food eating practices.

Smoking: Stop smoking as smoking creates dark patches and dryness around mouth may cause wrinkles to appear near mouth.

Due to aging our upper layer of skin called the upper dermis loses its elasticity and therefore due to dryness, wrinkles becomes visible on our face. So to maintain moisture cleanse your face and body regularly, use anti aging lotion, creams etc.

Guard against sun-rays: Guard your skin against sun-rays, UV rays. As exposure to harsh sun-rays further boost the production of wrinkles.

Avoid stress: As stress may damage your health and in turn your face, stress is one of the major factors for aging problem.

Use natural elements: Use products like nue science with natural ingredients, ayurvedic supplements may help to reduce fore linesFree Reprint Articles, folds. Mixture of jojaba oil and cod liver oil along with nue science give quick and long lasting solution for aging.


What about Fitness on Vacation

Traveling does not have to mean the end of your fitness routine. Whether you are traveling for work or for fun, there are so many easy ways to squeeze fitness into your day. You can maintain your healthy lifestyle without compromising fun while traveling.
Whether you travel for work or pleasure, do you always bring your healthy habits with you or do you leave your healthy habits at home for when you return? Regardless of why you are traveling, traveling is an easy way to overindulge yourself. Overindulging and a lack of exercise can cause you undo some of the hard work you've put into leading a healthy lifestyle. Sure, cutting loose and having fun are important on vacation, but do you really want to return home feeling worse than you did when you started your trip? Traveling does not mean you have to overindulge and forget about fitness. You can stay fit while traveling. Just a few changes to your traveling routine and you can stay fit while traveling and still enjoy your time away from home.
Tips to Stay Fit While Traveling:

1. Pack Your Laptop and a Fitness DVD or Two. Business travelers are likely to travel with a laptop. Vacationers can benefit by bringing their laptops along with them. Pop in a workout DVD first thing in the morning. This will help to get your blood flowing. You will be energized and ready to enjoy your day or conquer the long day of work meetings you may have ahead of you.
2. Take a Walking Tour of the City You are Visiting. Instead of hopping in a cab or renting a car, try to do as much walking as possible. Avoid public transportation unless it's storming, you are running late or the destination is simply too far away. Instead of visiting the hotel restaurant for a meal, walk to a neighboring establishment. This will give you a chance to better explore the local cuisine as you stay fit while traveling.

3. Be Sure to Check Out the Hotel Gym. If you have 30 minutes in the morning or evening, head to the hotel gym to stay fit while traveling. Depending on what hotel you are staying at, there may be a very fancy gym or just a few machines in a small room. This is very helpful for those who regularly go to the gym back home. This way it won't be a struggle to return to the gym when you get home.
4. Skip the Elevators and Take the Stairs to Stay Fit While Traveling. This can sometimes present a challenge if you are traveling with a lot of luggage. A room at the top of a hotel will have a great view and give you plenty of exercise while taking the stairs to your room. This will cause you to burn a lot of calories!
5. Explore Local Fitness Activities. Use your time in a new area to explore local fitness activities to stay fit while traveling. This may include surfing, boogie boarding, hiking, swimming, sailing, rafting or climbing. If you are at the beach, be sure to do more than just soak up the sun! If you are from a small town and visiting a large city, take advantage of fitness classes that may not be offered in your hometown.

6. Rent a Bike and Explore the City. Biking is a fun way to explore any city, beat the traffic and stay fit while traveling. Many cities -- especially those that are tourist hot spots -- while have rental stations, where you can rent a bike in one location and drop it off at another location.

7. Be Sure to Get a Good Night's Sleep. This is one healthy habit you should keep no matter where you are traveling or why you are traveling. Be sure to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep nightly while traveling to stay refreshed. This will help you to stay focused if you are traveling for business. If you are traveling for fun, a good night's sleep while allow you to make the most of each and every day in a new city.

8. Don't Forget to Enjoy Yourself. You are going to regret your trip if you don't have any fun. Pick a day and indulge yourself. Whether you are craving an ice cream sundae or a margarita, it is okay to splurge some while traveling. Just don't over do-it. This can lead to lots of time feeling sick instead of enjoying your destination.

9. Relax and Enjoy Your Trip. Never be in such a hurry to take in as many sites and try as much of the local cuisine as possible. Relax (remember, you may be on vacation) and take time to enjoy the food you are eating and the sites you are seeing. Who knows how long it might be until you are able to return to this particular location.

10. Make Your Trip an Adventure to Stay Fit While Traveling. Never just plan to fit on the beach, eat and drink all week. Take the time to explore the city and stay active. Vacation does not mean you should throw all of your healthy habits out the window. Making your trip an adventure will also give you plenty of stories to tell when you return home.

Regardless of why you are travelingHealth Fitness Articles, you still can stay fit while traveling and have the time of your life exploring a new city or destination.


How to Choose the best Fitness Center of Your Life

In reality, you really do not have to spend a lot of money on expensive health club or fitness centers memberships, treadmills, or the latest fitness gadget to get moving.However, some people find that if they make a monetary investment, they are more likely to follow through on fitness.Fitness centers are, basically, built to provide people the proper fitness equipments, trainings, and other devices needed to keep an individual physically fit.However, not all fitness centers are created equal. In fact, there are fitness centers that require their members to sign some contracts, which in the end will not be easy to cancel. Hence, it is important to know the characteristics of the fitness center that will work best for you.Here is a list of some tips that you can use:1. Make your mind up on things that you needBefore you choose a fitness center, you should first know what your needs are as far as physical fitness is concerned. This will determine the kind of fitness center that you will find.For example, if you are so much into sports fitness rather than the typical physical fitness activities like aerobics, then it would be better to choose a fitness center that has sports facilities and not just treadmills.2. Do not forget to shop aroundIt may sound so cliché-ish but it really pays a lot to a person who shops around before deciding on something. Hence, when choosing fitness centers, it is best to do some shopping first and get to compare the prices, charges, and the facilities available in a health club.In this way, you get to choose the best and yet affordable fitness center you could ever find.3. Consider your budget It does not necessarily meant that just because you have plenty of money, you will eventually give in to a fitness center that you have first encountered.It is best that you have a budget to follow so that you will know where to focus your finances before you decide on signing-up for a fitness center.Just remember, you want to work out for your body and not working out something that you will soon be in debt just because you forgot to stick to your budget.4. Know where your money goes If it makes you sweat and lose those fats and cellulites, fine! Just be sure that whatever kind
of fitness center that you have chosen, it is important to know that you get what you have paid for.5. Be wary of the physical attributes and characteristics of the center that you wish to enroll in.Make sure that the fitness center that you have chosen is clean, properly ventilated Psychology Articles, and complete with all the amenities that you need.Be sure also that the equipments that the fitness center has a re all in good working condition. Never use fitness equipments that appear to be worn out already. This will only cause more harm than good.All of these things are boiled down to the fact that a fitness center does not have to be a perfect fitness center. What matters most is that the fitness center that you have chosen is good enough to generate good results in your body.